The Sun Also Rises Men and Masculinity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"You’re awfully funny, Harvey," Cohn said. "Some day somebody will push your face in." (6.8)

The violent tension that runs just below the surface of all of these male relationships slips out here, in Cohn’s obvious dislike for Harvey Stone.

Quote #8

"Never be daunted. Secret of my success. Never been daunted. Never been daunted in public." (8.10)

The undaunted party here is Bill. Here, he succinctly and jokingly outlines the number one rule of masculinity in Hemingway’s world—never be daunted in public.

Quote #9

Why I felt that impulse to devil [Cohn] I do not know. Of course I do know. I was blind, unforgivingly jealous of what happened to him. The fact that I took it as a matter of course did not alter that any. I certainly did hate him. I do not think I ever really hated him until he had that little spell of superiority at lunch—that and when he went through all that barbering. So I put the telegram in my pocket. The telegram came to me, anyway. (10.28)

The competition between Jake and Cohn reaches its first peak here, without Cohn even knowing. Jake’s resentment of his former friend is kicked off by the double whammy of Cohn’s trip with Brett (and their sexual relationship) and by Cohn’s assumption that he knows Brett better than Jake does. Both of these things threaten Jake’s already shaky sense of his own masculinity.