Violence Quotes in The Walking Dead

How we cite our quotes: (Panel)

Quote #4

SNAP! (39)

A zombie's head snaps off, and there appear to be maggots crawling out of his flesh. Yep, this is disgusting. And Rick lands face first on him, making it even more barf-worthy. This picture's worth a thousand barf-worthy words.

Quote #5

[A horse is ripped to pieces.] (211)

This is one of those scenes where we're glad the book is in black and white, not color. But even in monochrome, the horror of the horse being devoured shows through loud and clear.

Quote #6

[Allen tries to get a clear shot at an approaching zombie.] "Move, Donna! Dammit, move!" [Dale chops a zombie's head off with an axe.] (363-366)

These scenes show us that the camp isn't the idyllic paradise it first seemed to be. Zombies find their way to the camp, too. And they're just as hungry as the ones in the city.