The Yearling Chapter 17 Summary

  • Jody's got to finish hoeing the sweet potato field before he can go visit Fodder-wing to get a name for his fawn.
  • The fawn's totally adorable, and goes everywhere with Jody, but it gets into trouble a lot, too, eating things it shouldn't. Well, don't we all?
  • Jody's been doing most of the farm work since Buck left, and so his Pa tells him that if he'll go get water from the sinkhole, he can stop hoeing, and go see Fodder-wing. Yippee!
  • He heads out with the fawn, and catches sight of some bears fighting. The fawn runs off (wouldn't you?), and Jody continues to the Forresters' house.
  • When he gets there, though, they tell him that Fodder-wing has just died. Oh no!
  • They let Jody in to see his body, and then he hangs around, feeding and watering Fodder-wing's pets.
  • The fawn comes back, and he sits with him, unsure what to do.
  • Finally, he offers to help Ma Forrester out with dinner.
  • She tells him that Fodder-wing had already picked out a name for the fawn—Flag.
  • Jody brings Flag in and agrees to spend the night sitting with Fodder-wing's body.
  • Penny shows up to see what's keeping Jody, and ends up staying over, too.
  • The next morning, they bury him, and Penny says a beautiful prayer for him.
  • When Penny and Jody finally get home, Ory's upset they were gone so long and not very sympathetic about Fodder-wing's death.
  • Penny scolds her for being so hard-hearted, and she says that's the only way she can stand pain.