The Yearling Man and the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Somehow, the seasons always took him unawares. It must be necessary to be as old as his father to keep them in the mind and memory, to remember moon-time from one year's end to another" (1.78)

This is kind of cool: at this point, Jody is so at one with nature (and so immature) that he can't get outside of it. You think deer and pigs and bears have a good sense of time? Sure, they operate on instinct with all the storing up fat for winter and hibernating, but we're pretty sure they're not crossing off days on a calendar. In order to grow up, Jody is going to have to learn to operate in time—and away from nature.

Quote #2

"He was addled with April. He was dizzy with Spring" (1.105)

Jody is all like Bambi after that first winter, rubbing his antlers and prancing around. Too bad for him, this is the last spring that he's going to feel this way.

Quote #3

"He found that the child stood wide-eyed and breathless before the miracle of bird and creature, of flower and tree, of wind and rain and sun and moon, as he had always stood" (2.22)

Penny and Jody are totally awed by nature. (You just know their Instagram feed is filled with #sunset.) Unfortunately, wide-eyed wonder isn't exactly the best way to scratch a living out of a harsh wilderness.