This Side of Paradise Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. What are some of Amory Blaine's biggest conflicts in this book? How do they change as he gets older?
  2. Why does Rosalind turn down Amory Blaine? How does he respond?
  3. F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote This Side of Paradise by stitching together a bunch of his old short stories and part of an unfinished novel. Where can we see evidence of this process in the finished book?
  4. How does Amory's mother Beatrice contribute to his development as a young man? Is her effect a positive or negative one?
  5. How does Fitzgerald portray the First World War in this book? Do you think fighting in the war has had lasting effects on Amory Blaine? Why or why not?
  6. What do you think is Amory's best shot at finding fulfillment? Please use evidence from the text to support your answer.
  7. Why is Monsignor Darcy important to Amory? Why is Amory so important to Darcy?
  8. What overall impression does this book give of an Ivy League school like Princeton? Is it similar to what you imagined? Why or why not?