The Time Traveler's Wife Quizzes

    Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Time Traveler's Wife? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
    Q. How does Clare know when she’ll see Henry again?

    A woman just knows these things
    Henry gave her a list of dates
    She has a crystal ball that allows her to see the future
    Henry calls to let her know he’s coming
    Q. What does Henry correctly predict about Dr. Kendrick’s unborn son?

    He’ll be born with Down syndrome
    He’ll be a major league baseball player
    He’ll have black hair
    He’ll be president one day
    Q. What causes Clare to miscarry so many times?

    She has a hostile uterus
    She drinks too much
    The babies keep time traveling out of the womb
    She has low progesterone levels
    Q. How does Henry die?

    He is shot by Clare’s father and brother as they hunt in the woods
    He is hit by a car when he time travels into the middle of a busy street
    He has a heart attack from all of the time traveling
    He dies of old age at home in his bed
    Q. What does Henry reveal to Clare in the letter she finds after he dies?

    The winning lottery numbers for the upcoming Mega Million jackpot
    That they will see each other again when Clare is an old woman
    Which team will win the World Series
    Whom Alba will marry