Walk Two Moons Death and Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

They had three other sons at one time, but one son died when a tractor flipped over on him, one was killed when he skied into a tree, and the third died when he jumped into the freezing cold Ohio River to save his best friend (the best friend survived but my uncle did not). (18.2)

How can Gram and Gramps be so full of life, so happy when they have endured so much pain and sadness? How do you think they see death?

Quote #8

Later, when I was doing my homework, I found myself doodling in the margin of my English book. I had drawn a figure of a woman with wild hair and evil eyes and a rope around her neck. I drew a tree, fastened the rope to it, and hung her. (19.19)

Sal is a little bit morbid at times. Here she's drawing Mrs. Cadaver. Later on, in Chapter 26, she draws a similar image of Phoebe with a rope around her neck. What do these little doodles tell us about Sal?

Quote #9

I took a good long look at Phoebe's mother. She did not seem capable of phoning the police or Mr. Winterbottom. I think she was more scared than we were. She went around locking all the doors. (19.43)

What is Mrs. Winterbottom so scared of at this moment? What do you think is her greatest fear? Is she afraid of being killed by a lunatic?