Walk Two Moons Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #13

On that night after Phoebe had given her Pandora report, I thought about the Hope in Pandora's box. Maybe when everything seemed sad and miserable, Phoebe and I could both hope that something might start to go right. (27.39)

Here, Sal finds a way to identify with Pandora, too. Of course this helps her connect with Phoebe's feelings as well. It's one giant identity connection between Sal, Phoebe, and Pandora!

Quote #14

I wished I had taken some action when my mother left. I was not sure what I could have done, but I wished I had done something. (29.14)

Do you think there's anything Sal could have done to stop her mother from leaving? Honestly, we really want to know what you think, because Shmoop just doesn't know what to think about this one.

Quote #15

"It isn't good for her or for them. They have to become independent. What if something happened to Moody Blue? They wouldn't know how to survive without her." (41.12)

In this memory, it seems as though Chanhassen Hiddle sees a bit of herself in Moody Blue. Both are mothers, and both know that they have to teach their children out from under mom's protection.