Walk Two Moons Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #13

Sometimes, I would walk around the room and look at each of these things and try to remember exactly the day she had given them to me. I tried to picture what the weather was like and what room we were in and what she was wearing and what precisely she had said. This was not a game. It was a necessary, crucial thing to do. If I did not have these things and remember these occasions, then she might disappear forever. She might have never been. (30.51)

Here, Sal directly tells us why she thinks of her memories so often. In remembering every detail of her mother, she can hold onto her. Do you agree that Sal should keep these memories alive? Do you think she should let these memories go and say goodbye to her mom? Do you think these memories hurt her, help her, or both?