Warfare Quotes in War Horse

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Mother says there's likely to be a war. [...] Something about some old duke that's been shot at somewhere." (2.15)

Joey, being a horse and all, has no idea why he's going to war. But you know what? Albert the human doesn't really have much of a clue either. Many soldiers in World War I were fighting because they had to, not because they cared about—or even knew the reasons—why.

Quote #2

Captain Nicholls walked by my head turning his eyes out to sea so that no one should notice the tears in them. (6.3)

War will make grown men cry. Seeing all the death on the battlefield moves Nicholls to tears, but being a Captain, he has to set a stoic example for his men.

Quote #3

"When noble creatures such as these are forced to become beasts of burden, the world has gone mad." (9.7)

This statement might be about horses, but the same could also be said for the men at war. Many of them came from peaceful jobs—fruit selling, anyone?—and they've been forced to become soldiers.