Duty Quotes in War Horse

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"If [Joey's] to be a cavalry horse, sir, he'll have to learn to accept the disciplines." (5.10)

Joey, like a soldier, has to commit himself to a bit of basic training to be an effective part of the war. If he could, he would probably salute.

Quote #2

Some of the horses ran into the wire before they could be stopped, and stuck there. [...] [One trooper] pulled out his rifle and shot his mount before falling dead himself on the wire. (8.4)

The men feel an obligation to take care of their horses, even if it means putting them out of their misery. This man's last act before dying is to put down his dying horse.

Quote #3

Topthorn and I were hitched up side by side to an old hay cart and [...] driven up through the woods, back toward the thunder of the gunfire and the wounded that awaited us. (9.10)

Joey's duties change throughout the course of the book, but each time he takes them up without hesitation. Even if he could question them, we doubt he would. He's the perfect soldier—for better or worse.