The Watsons Go to Birmingham—1963 Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I guess I should have told Momma that I really appreciated her helping me get my friend back but I didn't have to. I was pretty sure she already knew. (3.128)

In families, it sometimes seems like everybody just knows how everybody else feels. Do you think Byron assumes that Kenny knows he loves him, even though he doesn't act like it? Do you think Kenny knows that Byron loves him, or does he need Byron to tell him?

Quote #5

I wasn't used to being this friendly with Byron so I guess I was kind of nervous and didn't really know what we should talk about. (6.61)

Oh man. When Byron is finally nice, Kenny's all nervous. Not the greatest feeling in the world. Is Byron and Kenny's relationship is typical of two brothers, or do you think Byron is unusually nasty to him?

Quote #6

I got a huge smile! This was a perfect day! But like always, By ruined it. (6.63)

Byron seems to ruin everything—or at least, that's how Kenny sees it. But are all of the Watsons' problems really Byron's fault? Is anyone else to blame?