The Watsons Go to Birmingham—1963 Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[...] all of a sudden I started remembering that before Rufus came to Flint my only friend was the world's biggest dinosaur thief, LJ Jones, all of a sudden I remembered that Rufus and Cody were the only two kids in the whole school (other than Byron and Joey) that I didn't automatically look at sideways. (3.112)

Well, fancy that: while Kenny wasn't paying attention, Rufus got to be very important to him. It seems like Kenny has been taking Rufus for granted all this time. Do you think Rufus knows that's how Kenny feels? Do you think Rufus realizes that Kenny hasn't been taking this friendship seriously until now?

Quote #8

I figured that if I told Momma I'd lost my first pair she'd give me the second one and me and Rufus each would have a full pair of gloves. (4.74)

Now that's friendship. What other evidence can you find to prove that Kenny is a good friend to Rufus after all?

Quote #9

I couldn't help myself, I sat on the curb and sniffled a couple of times, and finally cried. Rufus knew this was some real embarrassing stuff so he sat down beside me, looked the other way and acted like he didn't see me crying. (4.89)

Sometimes friends need to be comforted, and sometimes they need to be left alone. Rufus shows that he's a good friend to Kenny here because he knows that Kenny would want to be left alone right now.