The Wee Free Men Cunning and Cleverness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The woman stared at her. "That was an incredible feat of reasoning," she said at last. "You'd make a good witch finder." (2.16)

Even Miss Tick sees that Tiffany is a fast thinker right away. She has the kind of mind that performs well under pressure—she can think about things logically and thoroughly.

Quote #2

She walked forward, reading aloud about Garget of the Nostrils and the Staggers but keeping an eye on the ground. And there was another teddy bear, green this time and quite hard to see against the turf. (7.367)

The pictsies are expecting Tiffany to do some magic to find the doorway to Fairyland, and so she has to think quickly. She decides to read aloud from a book because they think that words are magical—what a clever girl.

Quote #3

If I was a world that didn't have enough reality to go around, Tiffany thought, then snow would be quite handy. It doesn't take a lot of effort. It's just white stuff. Everything looks white and simple. But I can make it complicated. I'm more real than this place. (8.198)

Even when she's in a frightening landscape, Tiffany thinks of ways that she could control the world and make it different. She knows that she has the agency and power to change things around her.