The Wee Free Men Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"There's no one to stop them."

There was silence for a moment.

"There's me," said Tiffany. (3.253-255)

Tiffany Aching isn't just a thinker, she's also a doer. When she finds out that another world is going to invade her own, she immediately takes responsibility for protecting the Chalk—and doesn't even try to find an adult for help.

Quote #2

The world I can see through the arch isn't actually real. It just looks as though it is. It's a sort of… magical picture, put there to disguise the entrance. And if you don't pay attention, well, you just walk in and out of it and you don't realize it. (7.403)

Most people would get frustrated at walking back and forth through a stone arch and seeing nothing happen. Not Tiffany. She just keeps trying until something happens.

Quote #3

"I will get him back," said Tiffany quietly. (8.91)

Look, the Queen may be a scary, deranged woman who steals kids for her own amusement, but Tiffany doesn't care about her magical powers—she just knows that she's going to get her brother back, no question about it.