When You Reach Me Literature and Writing Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"You need the jacket with the hood," Mom rasped from her bed. Her voice never sounded normal until after coffee. "Look in the front closet." She seemed to think that it was really helpful to lie in bed, listening to the radio and calling out weather reports. I couldn't help thinking about how, in my book, Meg's mother had French toast waiting for Meg in the morning. She was a single mom too, with Meg's dad being held prisoner halfway across the universe. (30.2)

Miranda is comparing her mother and her life to the characters in her favorite book, A Wrinkle in Time. She does this a lot. Do you think this is fair to her mother?

Quote #8

It was a book. Actually, it was my book. But this was a hardcover one, with a different picture on the front. I read the title out loud: "A Wrinkle in Time." And then I smiled at Richard.

"It's a first edition," Richard said. (39.6-7)

Why are first editions more valuable than others? Why did Richard buy Miranda this present? What is on the inside cover?

Quote #9

"So she goes back there, to Camazotz, and her brother is totally under Its control, and he's saying all these awful things to her. And IT is trying to suck her in too, to take over her brain. She's trying to resist, but it's hard. And then, at the last second, she figures out that there's only one thing that can defeat IT: love. IT doesn't understand love."

"Ooh," Belle said. "That's deep." (43.12-13)

Miranda always reads her book to Belle. Why? What lesson does she learn from the book? What lesson does she learn from Belle a few lines later in 43.15?