Where the Red Fern Grows Poverty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Beautiful combs and brushes were used to brush expensive oils into their glossy hair […] Knowing I had no oils, I got some butter from our grocery box. With the homemade butter and grandpa's hair set, I brushed her until she shone. (15.75-82)

Talk about working with what you've got. Billy refuses to let his lack of money get in the way of accomplishing his goals—to the extent of rubbing butter into his dog's coat. We hope she gets a good bath later.

Quote #8

Looking down, I saw the box was full of money. I was shaking all over. I tried to say "Thanks," but it was only a whisper. (18.84)

Remember, Billy has been giving all his hunting money to his parents, so this prize money is probably more than he has ever seen in his entire life. This money is going to change he life, and he doesn't even know it.

Quote #9

I've managed to make the farm feed us and clothe us and I've saved every cent your furs brought in. (19.176)

Even though they needed a mule and other farm tools, Billy's parents saved every penny from the hunting in order to give their children a better life. These are some seriously good people—no wonder Billy turned out so well.