Where the Red Fern Grows Poverty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Billy, those kinds of dogs cost money, and that's something we don't have right now. Maybe some day when we can afford it, you can have them, but not right now." (2.08)

This is a line Billy is going to hear over and over: "someday we'll have money." Guess what? He's the one who's going to get them that money.

Quote #2

I began to see dogs in my sleep. I went back to my father and mother. It was the same old story. Good hounds cost money, and they just didn't have it. (2.19)

Yep, we told you. Billy's family just doesn't have money. They'd be happy to stroll on down the pound and get him a regular dog, but Billy wants a "good hound." No mutts here.

Quote #3

"I offered to get him a dog," said Papa, "but he doesn't want just any kind of dog. He wants hounds, and they cost money […] If I had that much money, I'd buy another mule. I sure do need one." (2.24)

We aren't given too many details about the family's financial situation, aside from the whole not having any money, but here we see that they don't even have enough to cover the needs of the farm. Man, does farming seem like hard work or what?