
Character Role Analysis

Min Green and Ed's Other Exes

Min is Ed's girlfriend—or, she is during the novel's many flashbacks. Throughout the book, everyone's always talking about how different Min is from the other girls Ed's dated, reminding us each time it's mentioned that Min and Ed aren't a likely couple. Min's an artsy kid, and the other girls Ed's dated are decided more in the Mean Girls category. This helps us understand why Ed's drawn to her—she's different, a breath of fresh air—but also makes it clear that Min and Ed are too different to ever work out.

Ed Slaterton and Al

Al and Ed are polar opposites. Where Al is considerate and selfless, Ed is reckless and self-centered. When Ed breaks Min's heart, Al helps her pick up the pieces. Min recalls, "The few people looked up at the girl crying, and Al rose from the table where we always sit at Federico's if we can, his face pale and grave while I cried and cried and told him the truth of it" (40.92). Nothing says foil quite like being the person Min turns to for help picking up the pieces after Ed breaks her heart.