The Widow's Lament in Springtime Resources


WCW at the Poetry Foundation

Everything you ever wanted to know about William Carlos Williams and then some.

The Poet at

And then some more.


Williams and Pound

Check out this shot of Williams and his fellow poet Ezra Pound. What buddies.

Plum Trees

White flowers, just like in the poem.


The Widow's Opera in Springtime

Apparently, American composer Milton Babbitt set this poem to music. Who knew? You can listen to the song on YouTube. Just make sure you click to 6:40 on the time signature, so you can skip the Brahms.


WCW Aloud

Audio recordings of Williams's works, including "The Widow's Lament," brought to you by the awesome folks at the Poetry Foundation.

PBS Always Comes Through

Some audio from good ol' PBS, courtesy of Garrison Keillor.

Historical Documents

Poetry Magazine

See the poem as it was originally published. You won't even need a time machine to travel back to 1922.


Sour Grapes

Here it is, awesome readers, the 1921 book in which "The Widow's Lament in Springtime" first appeared.