Politics Quotes in World War Z

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Part.Paragraph)

Quote #1

[The cops] helped explain to my other patients that a homicidal maniac had broken into the clinic and killed both Herr Muller and Doctor Silva. They also made sure that none of the staff said anything to contradict that story. (2.4.23)

One of many early examples of corruption in the political system helping the zombies along. Seriously, though, the cops take it all in stride a little too well, right? How often do people eat other people in their district?

Quote #2

The UN is a bureaucratic masterpiece, so many nuggets of valuable data buried in mountains of unread reports. I found incidents all over the world, all of them dismissed with "plausible" explanations. (2.6.10)

That doesn't sound like a masterpiece at all. It actually sounds pretty inept, inefficient, and—ah, we see what you did there, Max Brooks.

Quote #3

All the factional fighting, the violence between our various resistance organizations, I knew that would die down once we unified for the final blow against the Jews. Couldn't my father see this? Couldn't he understand that, in a few years, a few months, we would be returning to our homeland, this time as liberators, not as refugees. [sic] (2.7.10)

Prejudice and politics go together like sauerkraut and rocky road ice cream. Oh? You think those two things don't go together? That doesn't mean some people don't enjoy the combo.