Prejudice Quotes in World War Z

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Part.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I happened to be born into a group of people who live in constant fear of extinction. It's part of our identity, part of our mind-set, and it had taught us through horrific trial and error to always be on our guard. (2.6.2)

Jurgen is Jewish, and even a quick glance at Jewish history will show them to be the victims of some pretty heinous racism. It's prepared them for the worst of times, which are incoming in the form of ghouls, ghosts, and goblins…ghouls at any rate.

Quote #2

I realized I practically didn't know anything about these people I'd hated my entire life. Everything I thought was true went up in smoke that day, supplanted by the face of our real enemy. (2.7.33)

Frame this quote, because it basically sums up the entire perspective of racism in World War Z. Yep, our work here is done.

Quote #3

She wasn't one of the ignorant ones, she was a "clean" Mexican. I'm sorry to use that term, but that was how I thought back then, that was who I was. (3.5.11)

Interesting. Mary Jo goes through a hard time, learns a new way of life, and comes out the other end less prejudiced toward others (zombies notwithstanding). Hmm, wonder if the novel is trying to tell us something here….