Year of Wonders Chapter 4 Quotes

Year of Wonders Chapter 4 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

"How easy it is to feel the goodness of God on such a day!" he whispered. "Sometimes I wonder why we shut ourselves up in churches." (2.4.11)

Mompellion sees the natural world as a deeply spiritual place. As we'll later learn, this belief can be traced back to his former life as an outdoor laborer. That, of course, is an unusual background for a minister, which might explain Mompellion's generally unusual disposition.

Quote 2

I lay down beside him and drew him close. I pretended to myself that he would wake in the wee hours with his usual lusty cry for milk. (2.4.49)

The death of Anna's infant son is perhaps the hardest for her to deal with. It tears her up to see someone so pure and innocent suffer such an ignoble end. As we'll see, the deaths of both of her children have a profound effect on her and shape the woman she becomes.