University of California--Berkeley

Hallmarks and Quirks

Things I'm Good At:

  • Everything. Really. What am I not known for? I'm not even being arrogant here. I've been given major kudos in practically every department, including Economics, Chemistry, Engineering, English…the list just keeps going. That's because I'm known for drawing some of the brightest, most creative minds in the world to my campus.
  • Going green. Considering my reputation, I suppose this shouldn't be much of a surprise. I have two committees and an Office of Sustainability, all three of which work to make me a better place for the environment.
  • Athletics. Despite my less-than-stellar performance in traditional sports the past few years, I have always been a major contender in all things athletic. I'm still winning a bunch of awards in swimming, at the very least.

My Top 5 Must-Haves:

  1. A Nalgene bottle. You never know when you might go hiking (er, walking to class) on or near my lovely campus. Plus, you should always stay hydrated.
  2. A bike. I'm all about the environment over here.
  3. Coffee. Hey, if you don't already have a cup in your hand, you'll get sucked into getting a cup at one of the many superb little cafes near me. You'll need it, too. How else are you going to chug through those all-nighters?
  4. Books. I hear that there's this new-fangled thing called the iPad or the Kindle or whatever, but most of your school books won't be digital, and you are certainly going to need them.
  5. Yoga/meditation. Look, there's a reason we have so many groups around campus practicing these activities. Cal's kind of a pressure cooker for academics and competition isn't always friendly. The best and brightest need to make time to relax, too, and what better way to do so than with one leg tucked snugly behind the head?

Why You Might Have Heard of Me:

  • Nobel Prizes. We've churned out some of the noblest of Nobel Prize winners.
  • Radical leftist politics. If we were back in the McCarthy era, I'd probably be completely blacklisted from the rest of American society. That's how lefty I am. Or at least, that's how I was back in my heyday in the late '60s and '70s.
  • Super cool inventions. Berkeley students and faculty are working on some of the coolest futuristic inventions you can think of. I already mentioned the thought-to-speech device we're working on, but did you know we have also been developing a mechanical exoskeleton? Aside from military applications, it's also helping paraplegics walk again.
  • Since the '60s, I've been known for supporting alternative recreational and medicinal activities. You know what I mean.

On a regular Saturday night, you can find me...

All over the place. I may be at a local punk club (with real prog rock bands), a club in the City (SF, that is), a frat party, a local bar, or a D&D gathering (that's Dungeons and Dragons, if you aren't among the initiated). On a more relaxed night, I might be out to dinner at one of the zillion amazing eateries in the Bay Area.

And the next day? I'll probably be at the library cramming more information into my brain. I study hard, I party hard.

Favorite Hangouts:

  • Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Film Archive. This is for all the artists, film nerds, and anyone in need of peace and quiet. BAM is a small yet significant contemporary art museum dedicated to promoting the art of living artists. Right next to it is PFA, the place you go to see all the art films your brain can handle. Both are serious gems and right across the street from campus.
  • Free Speech Movement Cafe, one of the best cafes on campus. It's a super busy spot considering it's right next to the entrance to a major library. It's named in honor of the 1964–1965 student protest led by student activist Mario Savio, but don't let its political roots fool you. This place looks like an offshoot of a modern museum.
  • The I-House Cafe. If you're up on Sorority Row or just hanging around the International House, this is where you'll probably end up. The cafe has a stunning view of Berkeley and San Francisco. If you want to mellow out and get inspired, this isn't a bad place to start.
  • Jupiter. Beer, pizza, grad students, and professors. In that order. It's super busy on Friday evenings, and for good reason—a crowd of drunken intellectuals is a lot more fun than you might think.
  • The Albatross. You're going to have to go way off campus for this one, but it's worth it. The Albatross is for all the cool Cal students. You know, the ones who know all about indie bands, can spout Foucault, and throw darts like a demon.
  • The Asian Ghetto. So, it's 2:00a.m. and you want some really really cheap food. Where do you go? The Asian food court on Durant Ave. You'll always find something to eat for under $5. Plus, there's a doughnut shop. Yep. You read me. You can get a sugar high to complement your greased-out stomach.
  • Top Dog. Another late-night favorite. This place usually has a long, winding line, especially on weekend nights, after a party. Why? You're getting some of the best hot dogs on the West Coast at dirt-cheap prices.
  • The Berkeley Bowl. Okay, this isn't a hangout exactly. It's a market, but wow—what a market. This place has everything you need, especially if you're into organic and vegetarian eats. The prices are reasonable and the fruit/veggie section is to die for.


  • As quirky as people think I am, I'm actually pretty normal. I will say one thing, though: Students do have the option of creating their own interdisciplinary majors. In fact, that might be one of the coolest things about my academics. If you're a bright, independent person, then you're going to get the academic support from professors and departments to pave your own way. Cal loves smart, independent thinkers.
  • My students. We definitely embrace the weird, the outcast, the geek, the nerd…whatever. There's a place for you here, as long as you're willing to use that noggin of yours.

Famous Alumni:

  • George Takei (oh my), political activist and former Star Trek actor
  • Steve Wozniak, that Apple dude
  • Chris Pine, the newest Captain Kirk
  • Timothy Leary, psychologist and writer
  • Phillip K. Dick, writer and philosopher