ACT Aspire™ Grade 8
Strengthen your (Common) Core with Shmoop.
- Practice questions: 119
- Practice exams: 3
- Pages of review: 36
- Videos: 560
Schools and Districts: We offer customized programs that won't break the bank. Get a quote.

If you've ever wanted the chance to see the future, you've come to the right guide. ACT Aspire acts as the front-row seat to predict how you'll do on big bad test itself. It aligns the Common Core Standards you've been (hopefully) learning all year to ACT's own college readiness standards. And us? We're here to align you to the path of success. So peer into your crystal balls—er, computer screens—and look to the future.
What's Inside Shmoop's Online ACT Aspire Prep (Grade 8)
Shmoop is a labor of love from folks who are really, really into learning. Our test prep resources will help you prepare for exams with comprehensive, engaging, and frankly hilarious materials that bring the test to life. No, not like that. Put down those torches.
- Complete review of every subject on the test
- Tons of practice problems
- A diagnostic exam to assess strengths and... not-so-strengths
- Two full-length practice exams
- Test-taking tips and strategies from experts who know what they're talking about
- Chances to earn Shmoints and climb the leaderboard
- Practice questions: 119
- Practice exams: 3
- Pages of review: 36
- Videos: 560
Schools and Districts: We offer customized programs that won't break the bank. Get a quote.