Empower your students with the ability to identify aspects that impact their academics.
How heartbeat supports the whole child
Explore non-academic factors that impact a student’s ability to grow and connect.
Interactive Board
Learners explore where they’re at individually by putting them in the right environment and asking the right questions.
Explore elements like: social awareness, problem solving, responsible decision-making, & critical thinking.
Pulse analytics
Give your students and educators information they need to progress without weaponizing the data.
Competencies inspire meaningful change with the help of engaging mindfulness, self-management, critical thinking, and other activities.
A button for students to let their teacher know they’d like to talk about any of the competencies they’re learning about themselves.
Put self-awareness at the core by giving students insights written just for them by leading educational psychologists.
“Heartbeat demonstrates an understanding of and commitment to supporting learner variability” - Digital Promise
Help with academic performance
Non-academics are key to student’s academic success
Fulfill your district’s SEL need
District’s are being asked to take action on school climate, Heartbeat is your best resource
Know where your students are at
Personalized learning requires knowing where a student is to begin with
SEL by itself isn’t enough
With more than 48 factors, Heartbeat is the only tool that looks at the whole-child
Analytics the right way
Non-academic analytics are easily weaponized. View your students through a healthy lens
How it Works
Students continuously engage with the interactive program
Responses are securely collected and stored
Insights & Actions are presented to students and educators
Teachers gain insight into collected responses
Districts see where their students are holistically
Students connect with educators when needed
Get an in-depth look at how Heartbeat works
How it's used
Built for the student at the center. Give your learners immediate feedback after they answer interactions about themselves, helping them improve their self-awareness. Heartbeat is built to be a place of comfort & motivation. Students are given feedback in a way that is fun, digestible and relatable for all demographics.
Educators utilize Heartbeat during bell ringers or drain off periods allowing for maximum instruction time. Insights and actions are presented in the teacher dashboard allowing a 1:1 approach for the entire classroom. Teachers can impact their students' success and well-being by just giving them time in the learning tool.
Districts use Heartbeat to get the pulse of every student in the district while giving students a space to explore, learn and develop personalized learning techniques. The school dashboard provides data that can be utilized to effectively make decisions and fulfill student emotional health needs that lead to academic success.
Heartbeat is a nice way to get stuff off your chest and you can answer questions.
It's like an online therapist except there is no talking.
I like using Heartbeat because it is like something I can let out how I feel kind of and I can just be me and honest.
This is so fun. It’s really good, and helpful.
I like Heartbeat because it helps me.
It helps me talk about what I do.
I really like the Heartbeat app because it helps me calm down and be confident.
It looks like it could help me with the success in my life.
Heartbeat is a nice way to get stuff off your chest and you can answer questions.
It's like an online therapist except there is no talking.
I like using Heartbeat because it is like something I can let out how I feel kind of and I can just be me and honest.
This is so fun. It’s really good, and helpful.
I like Heartbeat because it helps me.
It helps me talk about what I do.
I really like the Heartbeat app because it helps me calm down and be confident.
It looks like it could help me with the success in my life.
Heartbeat is a nice way to get stuff off your chest and you can answer questions.
It's like an online therapist except there is no talking.
I like using Heartbeat because it is like something I can let out how I feel kind of and I can just be me and honest.
This is so fun. It’s really good, and helpful.
Start the personalized learning journey by seeing where the student is holistically.
Start the personalized learning journey by seeing where your students are at holistically.
What is Heartbeat?
Heartbeat enables 1:1 student/teacher relationships at scale by offering actionable, individualized engagement strategies unique to each student.
How does it help?
The insights from Heartbeat give educators and students visibility into which non-academic factors impact academic success, supported by actions that both parties can take to improve engagement and learning outcomes.
How do classrooms use Heartbeat?
Having students engage in Heartbeat for the first 5-10 min of class time is a great way to posture their minds for learning and create a sense of calm in the classroom.
What does Heartbeat support?
SEL, personalized learning, student engagement, outcomes.
What is the research behind Heartbeat?
We have partnered with Digital Promise to leverage their Learner Variability Program. Through this framework, Heartbeat covers 48 different learning competencies through thousands of interactions that each student engages with. These interactions have been written by Psychometric experts and reviewed by Education Psychologists.
Does Heartbeat ask questions that prompt a mandatory report?
No. All of the interactions in Heartbeat have been assigned severity levels. Anything that would require a report sits firmly in what we call "severity 1." Although we see the benefit in helping students understand and process these types of interactions we are not currently asking them. If you would like more information regarding interaction severity please reach out to us.
Can Heartbeat be used by counselors or other faculty?
Yes, Heartbeat can be used by a wide range of users, including but not limited to teachers, students, principals, counselors, and even parents.
Does Heartbeat support multiple teachers?
Yes, Heartbeat allows for multiple teachers to join one group, a functionality available under the group settings. Once a teacher is a member of a group, they can then view student pulses and invite students into the group.
Do we cover all of the factors CASEL covers?
Yes, Heartbeat covers a total of 48 competencies, which include the 5 CASEL competencies.
Is Heartbeat secure?
Yes, Shmoop’s security & compliance program is aligned to the most rigorous standards. Using the foundations and control areas of ISO 27001 & HIPAA, Shmoop has created a detailed program and practices to ensure that student data is managed at the highest levels of security.
How do you track progress of students using Heartbeat?
Heartbeat provides insights and resources for teachers and advisors to learn more about their students; however, we are intentional on not weaponizing our data or labeling students. The data provided is designed to show growth over time, not linear progression.
How do I implement Heartbeat?
Shmoop provides step by step procedures based on your school needs and rollout preferences.