It's time to cut the chord.
Math Shack rule mastery of Lengths of Chords in Circles.
You're immune to altitude sickness.
Math Shack rule mastery of Equilateral Triangle: Find the Area Given the Altitude.
Things are easier when both your legs are the same size.
Math Shack rule mastery of 45-45-90 Triangle: Find Another Side Given a Side.
You know the perfect size to slice 'em.
Math Shack rule mastery of 45-45-90 Triangle: Find the Area Given the Hypotenuse.
Don't give into the hype…otenuse.
Math Shack rule mastery of 45-45-90 Triangle: Find the Hypotenuse Given the Area.
The Sidefinder missile—Geometry's most deadly weapon.
Math Shack rule mastery of 45-45-90 Triangle: Given the Hypotenuse Find the Unknown Side.
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