
Average Salary: $62,000

Expected Lifetime Earnings: $2,588,376

Top Ramen, milk crate furniture, and taking a heinous pile of laundry home once a month—aah, the lean days of college. You fondly remember the day you discovered the life-saving $100 emergency loan that the University offered to students like you with unbalanced check books, weak money management skills, and no nerve to call home to ask for money...again.

Top Ramen: The breakfast (lunch and dinner) of champions. (Source)

Your school days are different now. The median salary for the Dean of Students at a major university is $89,000. You can expect to make $48,000 on the lower end and $168,000 or more on the high end. If you like the busy East Coast vibe, consider New York, Boston, or Washington D.C.—the highest paying cities for dean positions (source). Experience and additional degrees could even push your salary into the coveted six figure category. Best get a-learnin'.