
Average Salary: $30,000

Expected Lifetime Earnings: $1,252,440

For that one in a million who hits the gymnastics jackpot, the U.S. Olympic committee will pay $25,000 for a gold medal, $15,000 for the silver, and $10,000 for the bronze.

But the real money is in sponsorships, which can be in the millions if you win. Nike, McDonalds, Procter & Gamble, and car companies all will want you to say their name or wear it on your taut, muscular body.

And if you use Colgate Toothpaste, you too can be totally jacked. (Source)

If you don't win, you'll get nada. Nix. Well, other than the cool parting gifts in your cool competitor's swag bag.

Of course, the cost of training to become an Olympian in the first place is about $15,000 a year (source). Can your parents afford it? (And will there be anything left of your college fund when you're done?)

If you don't become an Olympian (the most likely outcome), you can probably coach kids in gymnastics. If you get your teaching degree, you're even more valuable (coach in high school or college and at least you'll have a pension).

The typical gymnastics coach makes between $30,000 and $40,000 a year (source), depending on where you live and work.