
Average Salary: $80,000

Expected Lifetime Earnings: $3,339,840

The average salary for a Veep is around $80,000 (source).

However, if you're a middle school Veep in the middle of the Ozarks, you probably won't get as much (we're talking about $60,000).

The force is strong with you, young administrator. But you are not a principal yet. (Source)

The more education and experience you have, the more money you'll command. You could get as high as $100,000, especially if you have a Master's Degree or some advanced administrative certification.

It's not as much as the principal makes (which is in the low six figures), but think of it as you being a principal in training.

While some are content working as a VP, the majority in the position expect to be promoted to principal one day—like the day the principal gets his promotion to superintendent of schools, to be exact.