College Life
College Life
Private Schools That Are Well Known for This Major
- Butler University
- Belmont University
- Western New England
- Adrian College
State Schools That Are Well Known for This Major
- University of Kentucky
- University of Wisconsin Green Bay
- Indiana University, Bloomington
- Penn State
Classes in the Major
Marketing: Have you ever stopped to ask yourself what it is you love about your Wheaties, or why you simply can't stop watching Twilight? These products may or may not be inherently awesome, but someone had to convince you to try them in the first place. Enter marketing. Marketing is probably the most essential skill you will learn and use in your arts management career. When you're done with college, you'll even be able to make boring stuff like insurance sparkle with pizazz. That's marketing wizardry, kiddos.
Financial Management: Mo' money, mo' financial management. All the cool things in life require some careful financial planning to make them run. Want to make your A-List party a water-cooler conversation topic for years to come? Want to turn that non-profit from ordinary to extraordinary? You've got to know your numbers. Financial management courses will give you the nuts and bolts you need to breeze through your bookkeeping faster than you can post on Facebook. And here's the rub: once you understand what the numbers mean, you can make more money and spend less cash on unnecessary costs. Now that's a pretty useful skill, no matter which job your adult self chooses to rock.
Fundraising: In the words of Cuba Gooding, Jr., "Show me the money." Without funds, entertainment wouldn't survive. These courses teach you who to ask for cash, how to ask for it, and how to make good on your promises. It's easy to get sweaty just thinking about asking someone for money, but by the end of these classes, you'll be a pro. Take it from us, it's a lot easier when you believe in your chosen fundraising cause or company.
Event Planning: The SXSW Music Festival in Austin doesn't happen each year on a wish and a prayer. The event producers spend months and months getting every little detail together for this nine-day shindig. But boy, is it worth it. Event planning courses will help you learn all the skills you need to build a big event like SXSW from the ground up. The work required by these courses will bring together your marketing, financial management, and fundraising skills in projects that mimic real-life job situations. Go get 'em.
Entrepreneurship: What is the difference between an employee and an entrepreneur? Between Joe Shmoe and Mark Zuckerberg? One answer: vision. Another: dogged dedication and a diverse skill set. While big ideas are great and all, you need to have the knowledge and experience to bring a company from conception to fruition. Entrepreneurship courses will teach you about the process of founding and growing a company. Dream big, right?