College 101
Applying for Accommodations Article Type: Tasty Bits
The folks in charge of the PSAT®, SAT®, and ACT® are aware that some students are faced with challenges and difficulties in the classroom that make test-taking more difficult. They can grant specific accommodations to students with documented need.
That’s a documented learning or physical disability. While you may think that trying to schedule Tough Mudder training around your weekly Parks and Rec marathon is challenging, that's not the kind of thing that will qualify you for accommodations during a standardized test.

documented needs are we talking about here?
If you have ever had a 504 or
Individual Education Plan because of a learning challenge, you might be
eligible. If you think a 504 is a cleaning
spray, then you need to move
along. Examples of learning needs include ADD/ADHD, Anxiety, Dyslexia,
Dysgraphia, Processing Speed Issues, Math or Writing Disorders, etc.
What kind of accommodations will I receive?
vary based on need, but might include 50 or 100% extra time, large-print exams,
small-group settings, and additional or extended breaks. Sorry, free apple
fritters are not a potential accommodation.
How do I apply for accommodations?
To apply for
accommodations, get to know your high school guidance counselor, who won’t help you
pretend you’re blind or break your kneecaps to give you a physical disability,
but who will be able to help you with accommodations you actually need. If you
can’t access help at school, have a look at the following websites to access
instructions for application:
and ACT.
PSAT/NMSQT is a registered trademark of the College Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation, which were not involved in the production of, and do not endorse, this product.
SAT is a registered trademark of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.
ACT is a federally registered trademark of ACT, Inc. Shmoop University is not affiliated with or endorsed by ACT, Inc.