Iterative Loops Resources


17 Perfectly Looped GIFs

A good loop is hard to come by. Just ask anyone who appreciates a perfectly executed infinite GIF.

45 Jokes Only Programmers Will Get

Just don't tell these at parties. Because making all your non-programmer friends feel out-of-the-loop and uncomfortable is out of fashion these days.

Impossible Constructions

You know who loved a good infinite loop? Escher. You know how he showed it? Mind-bending impossible constructions.

The Jurassic Park Fractal

You'd be surprised just how many designs are iterative when you really stop to look at them. Or maybe you wouldn't be, if you're the kind of person who likes doodling iterative designs. Check out how to make the design that shows up in the book version of Jurassic Park to learn another one.

Monument Valley

Infinite loops might sound terrible in real life, but they can make for some mind-bending graphics—especially in mobile games.

Solving the Tower of Hanoi Puzzle Using Iteration

We've said it once and we'll say it again: anything recursion can do, iteration can do better. Especially when it comes to solving children's puzzles.


One more M. C. Escher for you, this time on repeating patterns. You don't have to look hard to see the loops here.


Beauty of the Loop

Loops aren't just for computer scientists; digital animators love them too. Especially when it comes to animating abstract techno music.

Gerald Mcboing Boing

Animation loops aren't just a good way to save costs (even though they totally are), they can also create artistic, Academy-Award winning short videos. Check out the winner from 1950, which was the first major movie to break away from Disney's standards to be as realistic as possible and instead isolate different body movements from each other for art…and saving money.