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Credit Recovery
Credit Recovery for Shmoop's Online Courses
You ask...we deliver. Shmoop is now offering a credit recovery option for ELA, math, history, and science courses. That means you can now identify your students' strengths and, uh, slightly weaker strengths, and allow them to focus on the concepts they're struggling with. Students can relearn those concepts, pass an assessment, and recover their credit for a course.
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Math Courses
ELA Courses
History & Social Science Courses
Science Courses
Foreign Language Courses
What Is Credit Recovery?
Over 20 Shmoop courses in middle school and high school math, ELA, and history have been set up for credit recovery. These courses enable struggling students to diagnose areas they need extra practice in, relearn that material, and prove their mastery of the material to recover missing credit.
Our credit recovery courses are made out of the same rigorous, certified, and standards-aligned curriculum as our normal courses so you know students are really learning their stuff, and you can customize your credit recovery course to fit the needs of you and your class.
How It Works
You'll start by setting up your courses as credit recovery. (You'll also get to choose which units will be in your courses as well as the time limits for tests and exams.)

Once it's set up and students enter the course, they're taken to a page that shows them what they need to do. They'll start by taking the Diagnostic for Unit 1.

For each unit, students will take a multiple-choice, timed diagnostic which focuses on the key topics and standards of the unit and assesses whether or not they've mastered that material.
- Once students complete a diagnostic, they'll be notified whether they've passed the diagnostic and tested out of the unit, or whether the material needs to be recovered. If they need to recover the unit, we'll tell them what their next tasks are. Students will then need to go through the material and pass the unit test with a 70% score to prove mastery.
- If students pass the diagnostic with a 70% or higher score, they are notified that they have passed out of the unit and recovered their credit. Then we point them to the next diagnostics they'll need to complete, where they'll start the process over again for the next units.

Teachers and students can view their progress and grades in our Gradebook. Here we show the scores for an individual student. You'll see this student has passed the Unit 1 diagnostic and recovered that unit.

Once students have passed all units (either by successfully passing the diagnostic or by passing the unit test), they are notified that they have passed the course and recovered their credit. And they get some eye candy, to boot.