Renewing Your License
You get a notice from the BMV informing you what you need to do so that you can keep on truckin’. Or Priusin’, whatever the case may be. Simply follow the instructions provided; you will have to go in to the BMV and possibly take another vision or driving test. We know which one you’re pulling for. Hey, maybe it’ll be Scantron.
Either way, it is a pretty easy process to get renewed, so you shouldn’t have to miss any of your softball games. Good news for you, bad news for the rest of your softball team.
If for some reason you don’t receive a renewal notice before your license expires, it’s still up to you to take care of it. (Gosh - this responsibility thing again!) Simply go online or call the BMV, and they’ll take care of you. Just like your Mommy used to do.
PS: Are you in the military and serving on active duty outside of Ohio? Congratulations! In addition to the honor and pride of serving your country, you might also be eligible to renew your license by mail or online! You’re stoked, right?