Although permanent insurance policy owners do not have an option whether they die or live forever, owners of permanent or whole life insurance policies do have the option of what to do with their dividends. It’s cleverly called the accumulation option.
When things go well, your permanent insurance policy earns dividends. With the accumulation option, you can choose to invest these dividends back into the policy where they earn interest. Accumulated dividends become part of the policy’s payoff value when you die. Or even better, they become part of the policy’s accumulated cash value, if you live.
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Finance: What is an Annualized Return?36 Views
Finance, a la shmoop. What is an annualized return? Alright people, well
when you invest a dollar you hope or even expect to get more than a dollar [ATM machine]
back, at some point. And let's say you invested that dollar in Terminators
Closet -a leading dealer in cybernetic body enhancements. And it went from $1 a
share to a dollar ten six months later. Alright, nice return.
You made 10% in just six months but in most investing discussions ,investment [spreadsheet shown]
returns are discussed in the form of annual returns, not monthly or daily or
biannual numbers, so you need to convert your six-month return into an annualized [angelic glow]
one, and you can do the process here of computing that number that is if you made
10% in six months well then in a year presumably you could notion that you'd
have made 20%. It's not that you would have guaranteedly made 20% it's just [spreadsheet shown]
the math saying that well if you had compounded at that rate then you'd have
made 20%, so what if she made 10% in a month? Well the stock went from a buck a
share Jan 1 to a buck ten a share by Feb 1 .Well if you impute so that you can [calendar shown]
compute that month's gain of 10% would carry a compound rate of a hundred
twenty percent. Right ? You're multiplying 12 months times 10 there, that'd be
annualizing it meaning, that at that rate you are more than doubling your money on [spreadsheet shown]
an annualized return basis. And that's more than enough dough to keep
terminators closet popping out those Wi-Fi enabled contact lenses faster than [woman watches TV]
people can wear them.
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