Activity Quota

Picture a banana slug on one side, doing nothing. No activity. Now picture a squirrel who just had three double espresso shots. Now imagine the forest overlord puma dictating what activities each should be doing to do their part in gathering food in the food chain as winter is fast approaching.

Activity quotas are most common in sales where sales managers can't mandate that actual sales are made, but can mandate that sales people are smilin' and dialin' and doing everything they can (sending spam, knocking on doors, etc.) to at least do their best to hit their sales targets.

In this case, it's not a sales quota they're measured's just their activity set. Like..."Make 100 calls a day; send 1,000 spam emails; knock on 40 doors; post 25 social media shout-outs," etc. Banana slugs don't do well in this world.

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