Remember the company in the Alien movies that was founded by old Guy Pearce and employed multiple Michael Fassbender robots, and one of them went crazy and started doing genetic experiments on violent, predatory aliens, and then later one of them (an alien, not Michael Fassbender) attacked Sigourney Weaver and her crew, and then the company had smarmy Paul Reiser try to get Sigourney and a young Bill Paxton to bring the alien back for military purposes or something, but one of the alien queens ended up gestating in Sigourney's stomach and then a bunch of other stuff happened in another movie with Winona Ryder that no one saw?
Well, none of that has anything to do with the term "Alien Corporation." And in space...they really can hear you scream if you scream loud enough.
An alien corporation is simply one formed outside the U.S. That's it. No face implants or chest explosions or space jockeys. Just a slightly aggressive name for foreign companies. It was simply incorporated in France. Or in Germany. Or in China. Or on Mars.
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Finance: What is a Corporation?89 Views
Finance a la shmoop what is a corporation? corp-o-ration.. [Mouth saying syllables of corporation]
see the Corp in there? well it's latin short for corpse or
body so a corporation may or may not be cold and covered with maggots [Man disguised as a corpse wakes up and screams]
corporations are just legal bodies they're generally set up so that
there's a clear legal distinction between things and individual does and
things that the company she works for does let's say you want to set up your [mime artists at the window of a shop]
own mime training studio brother can you spare a mime, but then you hit a wall
one of your mime trainees becomes badly injured while trying to get out of a [mime trainee gets injured while attempting to get out of a glass box]
glass box and you get sued you you're totally speechless so your
corporation which was basically just you ten grand in the bank and a hat rack [Laptop showing $10.000 in the bank beside a hatrack]
full of berets well it loses everything you turn over your 10k to the sue-er
the one who sued you and you dust off your hands and move on try new venture [mime dusts off hands]
tapping into your prior experience as a mime therapist well legally the guy who
sued you while working for the corporation can't sue you personally
your $350,000 home is untouchable yeah who knew miming paid so well same deal [Mimes $350,000 home]
on that untouchable-ness of your Prius and the untouchable-ness of your
collection of invisible ropes, the legal body of the corporation threw itself on [Mime pretending to move along an invisible rope]
the landmine of your lawsuit and took the blow while you just walked away [Mime artist moon-walking off stage]
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How do you become incorporated? Go to Legal Zoom. Pay $150, file with the state of Delaware or whoever each year. Pay another $150. Most file as LL...