Alien Insurer
Categories: Insurance, Regulations, Incorporation
Someone has to insure the Millennium Falcon, right? Maybe that's how Jaba the Pizza Hut got started.
Insuring spaceships might be what an alien insurer did a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. But right now, in a galaxy right here, an alien insurer has nothing to do with weird space creatures. It has to do with foreign countries.
An alien insurer is an insurance company that is headquartered in a country other than the one in which it is doing business. It's GEICO selling life insurance in Nairobi.
These companies still have to follow the insurance rules that govern the industry in the places where they're doing business. However, depending on the locality (either another country where a U.S. insurer is setting up shop, or a particular U.S. state where a foreign company has some interest), there may be special requirements that an alien insurer has to follow.
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Finance: What is a Yankee Bond?36 Views
Finance allah shmoop what is a yankee bond We're safe
We're sound we're saying at least that's how we look
financially when you know the u s has compared with
most of the rest of the world that's why a
bunch of countries issue their own bonds denominated in u
s dollars you know countries like panama el salvador micronesia
and macron asia Well ours is ah hard currency and
that we don't or at least haven't historically created massive
ten percent a month inflation to deflate the value of
our own currency and well that would make it super
easy for our government to pay off its ludicrously high
death but we don't do that We respect the people
who loaned money to us including our own citizens So
we have a hard currency It just kind of stays
where it is Yes there's inflation Yes we raise the
rates a little bit here and there defended but generally
just kind of does its thing So we fight hard
to keep that trust that the rest of the world
often values more than well trust in their own governments
or at least their own government's ability to manage their
currency when they issue say argentinean bonds payable in u
s dollars Well then that's a yankee bond And we 00:01:14.819 --> [endTime] are the banker And well they are the yankee