Use a rocket ship to get to work? Get to the grocery store via natural gas-powered mechanized pterodactyl? Super fun! Unfortunately, that has no bearing on the alternative motor vehicle credit.
Despite the very broad-seeming name, the alternative motor vehicle credit only really covers a single type of vehicle. You can only claim the credit for fuel cell vehicles, or those that use hydrogen power to drive the engine. Using the credit, you'll receive tax write offs for certain expenses related to the fuel cell vehicle. The IRS has a special form to figure out the credit - Form 8910 to be exact.
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Finance: What is Inter Vivos?4 Views
Finance a la shmoop what is inter vivos? inter between vivos part of an Elvis [Dictionary book flicks through pages]
Presley song okay remember Viva Las Vegas all right
no vivos means the living an inter vivos is a trust like between the living got
it so sorry all you zombies with large [Zombie appears]
inheritances and while you don't qualify well yeah inter vivos really is just
another word for a living trust an estate-planning vehicle that's set up
before the trustor has kicked the bucket so that they can transfer their assets
to trustees without having to you know go through all the probate nonsense
which cost a fortune and chews up all the money that they could have given to [Money transfers from grave to family]
their heirs it all goes to lawyers and the state well in other words in an
inter vivos trust they can keep the courts from getting involved and with an
inter vivos trust it isn't even necessary to wait until the trustor has
a you know gone the way of the dodo before those assets are distributed like [Gravestone of Dodo appears]
they can distribute it before they're dead bequeathed items and/or cash can
also start being divvied out before the trustors lifetime, although a trustee
might want to consider signing some kind of no take-backsies contract [No take-backsies contract appears]
just in case grandpappy start getting trustors remorse
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