Anti-Dumping Duty
Categories: Tax, Regulations
Not about constipation. Instead, it's about foreign trade.
An anti-dumping duty ("duty" equals "tax" here) seeks to even the playing field when an imported good is offered at a price cheaper than the fair-value market price. This usually happens when a product gets help from subsidy programs in its home countries. Basically, the government subsidies a product they plan to export, so that the manufacturer can offer it in a foreign country at a cut-rate price. The goal is to steal market share.
For the country getting dumped on, it means domestic manufacturers can't make a profit...they either lose sales or have to sell at a loss to compete. So the anti-dumping duties are meant to counteract the dumping program.
As noted by the U.S. International Trade Commission, the Tariff Act of 1930 gives stateside industries the option of seeking relief in these instances. The Department of Commerce investigates to decide whether dumping is really taking place...and if it's harming a new or existing industry. The general rule of thumb is that imports must account for more than three percent of what is brought in in a year. If not, the investigation ceases.
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Finance: What is an Ethical Fund?22 Views
Finance allah shmoop what is an ethical fund an ethical
fund the political weapon of unsophisticated finance people throwing straw
at brick houses everywhere Well unethical fund is one that
has no ah sin or no investments in what they
perceive as bad things like you know porn google images
and snapchat facebook tobacco philip morris altria arguably the best
investments over the last century Guns and boeing rockwell bomb
gambling a vegas casino caesar's sands yeah that's not really
oil chevron shell bp hollywood it is neat bike on
the other and then there's technology which delivers all of
the above and let's not forget about telecommunications which lets
people converse Teo then deliver all of the above way
Going too far here Yeah and that's the problem with
quote ethical funds unquote healthy ethics are in the eyes
of the beholder Go to a church service in the
deep south and it's likely the congregation will give you
a completely different quote It's ok to invest in unquote
portfolio then what A bunch of hippies in marin county
california So who's to say what is ethical and what
is not Well actually it's the gang marketing the mutual
fund which named itself to be and ethical fund Who
determines what investors would feel good about investing in and
hey that's fine Someday it's him up We want to
start a fund investing on lian companies who are funny
like intentionally funny not like you know g and those
guys Well the problem is that for better or worse
a large portion of the name's actively omitted from the
list of buyable stocks in and ethical fund are often
actually really good Businesses like oil and gas for example
has been a stalwart for a century in the u
s so has tobacco And oh by the way most
technology companies early histories were driven by profits in and
around porn So there is in essence a price that
investors historically seemed to be paying for the privilege of
being all judgy about what ethics are meaning that results
in ethical funds tend to lag their competitors by a
few percent each year and over a couple of decades
While that means that ethical funds end up being worth
a lot less than unfiltered funds their funds who just
are out there trying to make money for shareholders and
then the big question gets asked from the ethically rich
and financially poor from the poor house i shouldn't The
best ethics just revolve around legally producing the best financial
return for investors Know what a concept investing in order 00:02:52.165 --> [endTime] to make more money Who'd a thought