If you're on the approved list at a club, you can probably sweep into the VIP lounge without having to wait in line. If your company is on an approved list at a money manager's office, your shares could end up in an investment portfolio.
Active money managers have an "approved list" written out (or at least in mind) to purposely choose and limit the securities they can put in a fund. For example, a money manager might have a fund that's advertised as an ethical fund. That might mean no "sin stocks" get put on the list: no tobacco, no adult entertainment stocks, you get the point. For these guys, SmokeBombNightGuzzle Corp. would likely not be on the approved list.
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Finance: What is an Approved List?10162 Views
Finance what is an approved list Well if you're on
the approved list at the world famous club the magician's
mansion you can probably sleep into the v i p
lounge that's the lounge for vanishing invisible people without having
to wait in line If your publicly traded company is
on an approved list at a money manager's office well
your shares could end up in their investment portfolio Active
money managers have and approved list written out or at
least in mind to purposely choose and limit the securities
they can put in their funds Why would they actively
restrict stock choice Well marketing some investors for example on
ly want green like a money manager might have a
fund that's advertised as an ethical fund That might mean
well you know sin stocks get put on the list
No tobacco no adult entertainment stocks And even though google
kind is one facebook and no heart stopping fast food
stocks you know ethical you get the idea of a
stock isn't approved Then it will have better luck getting
into the magician's mansion than into a fund that restricts
it Oh and yeah this is the v i p 00:01:23.404 --> [endTime] lounge During the busy hour sorry
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