The first thing you should know: "MSA" stands for "medical savings account." The second thing you should know: it has to do with taxes.
In case you haven't put it together from that information, the Archer MSA allows a person (or a company) to save money for medical expenses without paying taxes on the interest earned.
Basically, an Archer MSA provides a tax-efficient way to save for health care. It was proposed by a congressman named Bill Archer, who spearheaded its creation (and eventually gave the accounts a name). The interest on the accounts accumulates without incurring taxes, much like certain retirement accounts, like IRAs. The downside is that the money has to be used for healthcare. Other uses could lead to penalties and taxes.
Now let's make up some other potential definitions of Archer MSA. In archery, it could represent a statistic for when someone tries firing multiple arrows at the same time ("Archer Multiple Shot Attempts"). In architecture, it could represent when construction companies give arch designers additional funds to use materials other than marble ("Archer Marble Substitution Allotment").
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