What are At-the-Close Order and At-the-Opening Orders? Simply put, they’re a way of buying and selling stocks and bonds. They’re really a hybrid form of limit order...only instead of limiting the order of 100 shares of Mickey D’s at $45 or better, the ""limit"" is time based. That is, it is placed a minute or less from the close of the market...like 3:59 pm New York time, or the open of the market at 9:31 am New York time.
So...why would someone do this kind of limit order? Well, if a company the day before had printed what looked like a really good quarter, but upon deep inspection the investor who owned the shares thought otherwise, then they would want to take advantage of a high opening print, and just sell at whatever the price was a couple minutes after the open, making the bet that the stock would trade down after bigger, smarter, better analysis was published on the stock itself.
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Finance: What is Good Delivery?11 Views
Finance allah shmoop What is good delivery All right Well
here's bad delivery You have been there if a security
that's traded on an exchange meets the requirements toe permit
it to be transferred from seller to buyer While then
the transfer is said to be of good delivery When
it happens legal transfer happens with no hiccups and well
life is good But on the other hand if a
share of stock is say restricted as in a one
forty four a type situation so that it cannot be
transferred Well then good delivery of this share cannot be
realized Recall that a one forty four a restriction is
a common provisions that insiders like early investors and management
and founders of a recently i po'd company fall under
that is for a six months and change after the
company was first taken public they are restricted from being
able to transact in there stock They couldn't sell it
And nobody could take good delivery of those shares Well
why would there be a provisioned for good delivery in
the first place Well you can imagine that before the
various regulatory bodies took hold in america there was all
kinds of room for fast talking city slickers to sell
no value Floor tiles of blue sky too ignorant farmers
who really didn't know what they were buying or that
various legal hoops had to be jumped through first So
good delivery actually became a hurdle that brokerages and their
clients had to pay attention to And well let's hope
they get it better Then this ups guy We're still 00:01:29.509 --> [endTime] angry about our glasses Yeah
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