The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) is known around the world as the go-to place for dry bulk shipping stock information, as well as being an indicator of the status of the general shipping market. It has nothing to do with cheap real estate in Monopoly.
The index measures the demand for shipping (cargo) versus the supply of carriers (cargo ships). Cargo ships are comprised of different sized carriers referred to as Capesize, Panamax, and Supramax (large, medium, and small cargo ships, in that order).
The demand for shipping varies seasonally and socioeconomically, but the supply of cargo ships is consistent, or at best, slow to increase. It takes a while to build a cargo ship.
Furthermore, the contents of the cargo (raw materials) can be indicative of the demand for certain finished products. In that sense, the BDI can be viewed as an economic indicator of future economic growth and production based on the shipping information (how many ships of what size carrying what raw materials to where and how often).
Why is it dry? No booze? No. The index comprises the shipping of non-liquid energy and food commodity things like coal and grain and ore.
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Finance: What are petro dollars?8 Views
Finance allah shmoop what are petro dollars Well they're just
money received from the mining of this guy's blood and
guts because yeah oil that's where it comes from yesterday's
stegosaurus is today's refined petroleum and we're talking about a
massive amount of dollars here like you could call them
master dollars or t rex a dollars or try sarah
dollars big wealth in the nineteen seventies came from the
petro era in the same way that it's led today
by amazon facebook and google When oil prices suddenly spiked
in the seventies the people who won well they were
the ones who had massive oceans of it underground We're
looking atyou saudi arabia and you texas and in times
when there is so much money coming into a system
with a shock well the economic driver of that wealth
becomes a kind of currency itself In fact china's made
all kinds of noise about making their currency now and
oil standard upgrading from the old gold silver and bronze
medal of shame standard that western civilization well he used
to hold so dear petro dollars petro wealth were still
feeling it and weigh no that that makes this guy
Happy at least if you're happy and you know it 00:01:18.389 --> [endTime] never moved
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