Bank Investment Contract - BIC


Categories: Banking

A BIC guarantees an investor's rate of return from a bank in exchange for the investor's commitment to a fixed term (several months to several years).

Like any capitalist institution, the bank attempts to make more from the investment than it has agreed to pay to the investor. Also, a BIC's return increases based on the size and length of the investment.

BICs are not certificates of deposit (CDs), because they allow additional deposits over a period of time, and BICs also allow for withdrawals during the contract period (for death, disability, unemployment, other hardships or fiscal distress of the plan sponsor).
A BIC is sometimes called a Bank Deposit Agreement. A Bic is also a pen. And a lighter.

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Finance a la shmoop what is cash-on-delivery?


or CoD well if you have a deadbeat buyer who's taken forever to pay you in [Danny Deadbeat laying on sofa]


the past think remember Popeye and wimpy borrowing money for burgers next Tuesday


when he actually never pays you'll eventually have to make that customer


that deadbeat a COD status purchaser well CoD has nothing to do with cheap


fish rather it stands for cash on delivery like you get cash when the good


is delivered and it means that the postal person or UPS gal or FedEx dude


has to collect the cash you are owed before they will actually leave the [Cash transfers to mail people]


package being shipped at the warehouse on your doorstep or van parked you know


down by the river if a client has such bad credit or has such a miserable


payment record that they have to be put on COD status well you may really have


to re-evaluate your relationship there COD also carries charges and often


they're big because a postal worker may have to ring the door eight times before [Postal worker ringing door bell]


finding the deadbeat at home and then even if he is home well it's uncertain


whether or not he'll have the ready cash to pay for whatever goods he just


ordered and sometimes you'd have better odds of getting money out of this thing [Pile of fish appear]

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