Bankers' Bank
Categories: Banking
Think of a banker's bank as an institution established by guppies for guppies. They're bigger institutions owned by a combination of banks that help community banks.
Banker's banks are important because they help guppies compete in the big, bad ocean. More services, better rates. Otherwise, they'd be eaten by the big, bad sharks (like PNC and Chase).
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Finance: What is NGO?4 Views
Finance allah shmoop what is an ngo Oh come on
You remember the song Sing it with me You know
there was a farmer had a dog and bingo was
his name I'll be all right Well you get the
idea then an ngo is way more meaningful in the
world though Although not to a six year old kid
Thank you very much Ngo stands for non governmental organization
which is an intentionally nonprofit organization like greenpeace the red
cross united way unicef the x files books for dogs
all that stuff Well ngos receive all of the favorable
tax and operational treatment of a normative nonprofit but because
they're overseeing and protected by uncle sam well there's less
pressure on them to raise a ton of money fast
so they tend to be able to focus on more
long term efforts like if there's an ngo that's working
on delivering warm clothes to every village in zaire Well
they're not going toe bold if they go three weeks
without holding a fundraising chili cook off there's Some senator
or congressman or other politico who you know can shake
a tree raise money and they're off to the races
And it's Almost a shame about that cook off thing
because well chili cook offs in zaire are off the 00:01:17.559 --> [endTime] hook No