Bill Gates wants to make a large, non-cash charitable donation to save the pandas, or zebras, or whatever. He agrees to sell a valuable piece of real estate to the Foundation for Pandas, Zebras, and Other Black & White Animals. Because it's a charitable donation, he can either sell the property for a below-market price or exchange it for a similar property of a lower value. The difference in values between the two properties would then be considered a gift, and the panda/zebra populations of the world could rejoice.
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Finance: What is Dead Cat Bounce?13 Views
Finance allah shmoop What is a dead cat bounce It
sounds like a dance move from the old west right
but it actually refers to a terrible situation when the
market plummets rebounds very slightly and then plummets again The
idea comes from the notion of dropping a cat off
of a high building It hits the cement dead bounces
a bit before then is a big wet thud Yeah
peeta no cats were harmed in the production of this
definition Thie market has fallen from five thousand twelve hundred
now it's at fourteen hundred and now it's back to
twelve hundred Yeah that uplift of two hundred points there
from twelve hundred fourteen hundred before it went back twelve
hundred which is the concrete that's the dead cat bounce
I'm not totally sure who came up with this term 00:00:50.247 --> [endTime] but wei have a pretty good idea
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