A mutual fund that invests mostly in stocks, with a nice blend of value and growth stocks (shaken, not stirred).
When you invest in a value stock, you’re hoping that the stock is a diamond in the rough...a stock that’s undervalued based on how well the company is doing. When you invest in growth stocks, you’re betting that growing companies will...keep growing, and that you can ride their coattails to the big leagues.
A blend fund aims to be a balance of both types of stocks, giving investors the best of both worlds. If you don’t like putting all your eggs in either the growth or the value baskets, then put them in both, with a nice blend fund.
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Finance: What are Balanced Funds?37 Views
Finance a la shmoop what are balanced funds? well this is a teeter
and this is a totter and this thing here is the fulcrum and here's you madam [Woman sitting on the fulcrum]
imbalanced funds sitting in the middle a gentle breeze sways you left toward a
little more yield or interest on bond investments and then another breeze
sways you right toward a little more growth or capital appreciation from [woman swaying right]
equities a balanced fund is a type of mutual or index fund which generally
keeps an even ish mix of growth and income for investors who don't want the
volatile sharp rocky mountain peaks and valleys that growth only throws at you [Growth chart with peaks and valleys]
but well they want a bit more excitement than all bonds got it or rather they can
handle a bit more risk in their lives than what a simple bond income fund
would deliver to them you know a whole lot of boring yield balance is almost [Woman balancing]
always good for zen.. oops didn't see that breeze coming
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