Branch Banking
Categories: Company Management, Accounting, Banking
Providing banking services via dispersed locations, rather than exclusively through a centralized (i.e., “home”) office.
David was always good about saving money, but noticed that many of his friends and neighbors were...not. David decided to help his community gain better access to capital by making loans for home purchases, college tuitions, etc.
When word spread about David’s fellowship, people from far and wide, beyond his hometown of Waco, came calling for loans. Eventually, it was too much for David to handle alone, so he opened some additional offices around northern Texas, appointing people to manage each of these branches.
Eventually, David used this branch banking system and his branch managers (known as Branch Davidians) to further affect, engage, penetrate, and influence his customer base.
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Finance: What is an ATM?23 Views
Finance a la shmoop what is an A-T-M... hmm that's automated teller machine ATM
there there the big ugly machines that puke $20 bills when puking is good you [ATM spitting out $20 bills]
see them in front of your bank and it stores the magic Aladdin lamp rub comes
via your plastic debit card which you insert and wait then
you type in your PIN or personal identification number and then well if [Person typing in PIN number on ATM]
you have cash in your account the cash machine will spit out the money YUM
these computerized robot machines also let you take care of other bank stuff
without having to schlep into the bank transferring dough between accounts and
depositing checks and so on...Basically all the stuff you can do with an app on [Girl using an app on her phone]
your smartphone now and the irony here should not be lost
ATMs replaced tens of thousands of bank tellers when they came out in the 1980s
they were the first mass job replacement of human beings with robots and and yes,
phone apps now are replacing those testy ATM robot machines yeah and for those of
you with job phobia over robots while the advent of the ATM machine is a good
allegory to follow your jobs coming next you [Mans eyes turn red]